'I urge Indians not to look down on us, but look up and say, "Yes, we can",'says Dr Prathap C Reddy, founder of the Apollo Hospitals, in our series where well-known Indians speak about the India they love.
What were you doing when Neil Armstrong and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin touched down on the Sea of Tranquility abroad the lunar module Eagle? How did you hear about it, and what did you think when you first heard that man now owned the moon?
Seventy nine-year-old Buzz Aldrin, an astronaut recently teamed up with hip-hop superstar Snoop Dogg to record a rap single, called Rocket Experience, to commemorate 40th anniversary of the first lunar landing next month.
And what happens next?
For all the jokes that have been going around for decades that when American astronaut Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, an Indian was already there, seriously, the hype about an Indian on the moon may be still be a ways off, according to the Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization G Madhavan Nair.
The Force India owner thinks Karun Chandhok has some way to go before he can find a place in the F1 cockpit.
Russia on Thursday marked the golden jubilee of the launch of the first artificial satellite Sputnik, which sparked off a space race between the then Communist state and the US 50 years ago.
The official declaration of the new Seven Wonders of the World will be done in Lisbon at 0145 hours IST on Sunday.
Shashi Tharoor, the minister of state for human resources development, the moderator for a discussion on heritage and the diaspora, was suave as ever as he described how Indians had influenced the world and drawn the best of foreign influences.
However, much is at stake for today's P6 solar array retraction. It is not expected to be a simple process. Since ISS went into orbit in 1998, it has been running on a temporary electrical system.
Thirty-six years to the day since Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin became the first humans to walk on the moon, Google Inc. extended its mapping service to cover the lunar surface.
The AAP has no money; no big business houses to provide unlimited funds. Its posters and slogans will not find space on television and in newspapers; it will also have to face the prejudice in a sections of press too. But it has thousands of volunteers and their will to rewrite Indian politics, say Ashutosh.
News of all that's transpired on and off the football field
Having conquered the moon long time ago, the NASA now plans to send astronauts to Mars -- in what is called a journey which will cover hundreds of millions of miles and no less than two-and-a-half years of roundtrip.The way to Mars, it seems, is through the moon, says a report in CBS News.
'That Mad Men is currently the best-written show and quite unlike anything else out there is an understatement.'
It has been a half-century since Neil Armstrong stepped out of a lunar module and onto the surface of the moon on July 20, 1969 and declared, "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind." The moment heralded a golden age of space exploration that was set in motion just eight years earlier in 1961, when United States President John F Kennedy promised before Congress to put a man on the moon before the decade was out. Here are some lesser-known facts about the historic first mission:
Till high school, his medium of learning was Marathi. Later, he completed his doctorate under Neil Armstrong's guidance. He has travelled to close to 50 countries, sold $350 billion worth of aircraft. Anjuli Bhargava meets Boeing SVP Dinesh Keskar.
If "innovation" were a person, he or she would have looked like David Bowie.
Here's a list of the favourites of the billionaires.
The actor is all set to venture into international cinema with gangster flick American Empire to be directed by Andy Armstrong.
As many as 350 leading cricketers from India and abroad will go under the auctioneer's hammer in Bangalore on January 8 and 9 when Indian Premier League franchises bidding for their services in the fourth season of the lucrative Twenty20 League. Here's the list of those to be auctioned with their base prise.